Best of the best in Games Design, Ninjar Studios, swiftly and silently lands in Nottingham, and takes the Tech sector by storm.

19 Castle Gate, Exeid News, Nottingham, TechCityNotts, Uncategorized
[caption id="attachment_2526" align="alignleft" width="300"] Steve Riding from Ninjar Studios[/caption] Tucked away in the attic of a Georgian Mansion in Nottingham, converted into office space owned by Exeid, are a group of like-minded games design geniuses who are busy at work on their next big (and secret) project. The team of four co-partners; Charles Machin, Phil Ronaldson, Barney Williams and Steve Riding all have enviable industry experience, and together created a company from which the games sector can expect great things. This company is Ninjar Studios, who have a clear mission to create fun, engaging games, and to be an ethical company that everybody wants to work with. Today, Exeid talks with Steve Riding, one of the four, about his history and views on the future for Ninjar. Tell us a bit…
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Derby’s Sitwell House Becomes City Centre Sixties Splendour!

Commercial Property, Derby, Exeid News, Office space, serviced office space
We caught up with David Ajose CEO of, the Midland’s fastest growing Commercial Property Consultancy, to find out about his latest property acquisition. We met him outside Sitwell House in Derby to find out more. [caption id="attachment_737" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Derby's Sitwell House is to be completely refurbished to the specification provided by any new clients that decide to take up office space in the building"][/caption]   So David, tell us about Sitwell House. Sitwell House is simply an amazing building. It is 25,000 sq ft and has four floors of bright, modern serviced office spaces above an established, ground floor retail. Not only was it designed and built in the early 1960's, it was influenced by its contemporary architectural movement, turning away from Neo-Victorian structures and focusing on features that…
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Exeid “Proceeds to Mayfair”!

Case Studies, Celebrity News, Exeid Asset Management Scheme, Exeid News, Landlords, London, Office space
[caption id="attachment_960" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="London's Mayfair Area"][/caption] ...CEO of Exeid, David Ajose, was able to reveal today. Exeid have recently entered into talks with two, Mayfair based, property companies with the aim of assisting them with the Marketing and Asset Management of their Mayfair portfolios. “Mayfair is well known as the home to many of the worlds most successful businesses and many international property groups are among them. We have recently been approached by two companies wishing to secure our services to help them promote their Central London sites.” David continued, “although Mayfair, in London, is definitely on our target list as the ‘Jewel in the Crown’, we weren’t expecting to be considering activities there so early in our business plan.  We are delighted that our Asset Management /Cash Flow…
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Google Plus (g+). What’s it all about and what does it mean for my business.

Exeid News
I was chatting to Nick Pigott &  Joze Henderson (Our Leicester Area Management team) on Thursday and Nick mentioned ‘Google Plus’ (G+) and asked me if I was up to speed with the latest developments. Now I don’t know about you, but I like to think that I keep pace with many of the new developments on the web even if I’m not always the earliest of adopters. However, this one had completely passed me by. Amazing when you think that I’m a daily user of the Google search tool. So for those of you who are already familiar with Google + or Google Plus feel free to skip this post but be sure to revisit as I m certain Facebook will have something to say in reply. Every one else ……
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Sea Vista Productions Chooses Exeid Locations for their latest short film/movie

Celebrity News, Commercial Property, Film locations, Nottingham, Stanford House, Uncategorized
Crash Taylor's dreams of reaching the top of his profession were turned from 'dream' to a 'goal' five years ago when he set his sights on becoming a wedding photographer with an international reputation and client base to match. Having achieved his objectives he has now turned his sights on the next stage of his career, that of film director. Due to his uncompromising work ethic and intuitive grasp of the medium combined with his creative genius he is sure to be a success on a global scale so watch this space. You may be unsettled by his film genre. (It is not my personal choice - but then again,I still hide behind the sofa when watching Dr Who and I'm in my 40's), However, you cannot deny the chilling…
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Interview with Richard Priestly MD of following the recent acquisition of St Nicholas Court a Commercial Office Property on Castle Gate Nottingham.

Commercial Property, Exeid News, Nottingham, Office space, Property Purchase, serviced office space
Six months on and we revisit and their latest office acquisition St Nicholas Court 25 to 27 Castle Gate, Nottingham. We talked with Managing Director Richard Priestley: So Richard, you acquired this building in the thick of what has been described as the most difficult trading conditions for 70 years in the commercial property sector. Was that a foolhardy or smart move and why? To be fair it was almost a bit of both. The property was first identified as a target by our CEO a few of years back. Basically, it was approximately 60% vacant but at that time the  requirement to pay “empty rates liability” had not kicked in so the price tag, whilst much higher than what was eventually paid, was almost justified. So why wasn’t…
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