Stanford House is once again becoming the place for film locations. This time its the Daydream club, Claire Schofield and 9ZEN Films

Celebrity News, Film locations, Stanford House, Uncategorized, Vintage Offices
Director and film-maker Paul C Jackson of 9ZEN Filmshas filmed two talented artists 'The Daydream Club' and 'Claire Schofield'. The shoot took  place at Stanford House a beautiful Georgian building in the heart of Nottingham. David Ajose Director of Exeid Film locations kindly backed the project in allowing use of such an engaging space which produced a creative and heart felt shoot on the day. Paul has recently been involved directing a host of live events with Antenna and Game City appearing for the guardian online and previously worked on a live IPTV project with musicians in the local area. Now Paul is looking forward to returning to his fIlm roots with this shoot. So  who are the Daydream club? The Daydream Club are alt-folk-pop duo Adam Pickering and Paula…
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Sea Vista Productions Chooses Exeid Locations for their latest short film/movie

Celebrity News, Commercial Property, Film locations, Nottingham, Stanford House, Uncategorized
Crash Taylor's dreams of reaching the top of his profession were turned from 'dream' to a 'goal' five years ago when he set his sights on becoming a wedding photographer with an international reputation and client base to match. Having achieved his objectives he has now turned his sights on the next stage of his career, that of film director. Due to his uncompromising work ethic and intuitive grasp of the medium combined with his creative genius he is sure to be a success on a global scale so watch this space. You may be unsettled by his film genre. (It is not my personal choice - but then again,I still hide behind the sofa when watching Dr Who and I'm in my 40's), However, you cannot deny the chilling…
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