Investing in Skills for the Low Carbon Sector -LOW CARBON, SKILLS EVENT COMING TO NOTTINGHAM.

Exeid News, Networking Event, Nottingham
Free Breakfast Seminar -  If you’d like to learn about the opportunities that the new Low Carbon Sector can offer businesses and organisations in the East Midlands then this Event in Nottingham is for you  You’ll be hearing from Martin Rigley of Lindhurst Innovation Engineering , a successful Microbial Fuel Cell Technology company, they have worked alongside the Nottingham University  to develop a  renewable energy product  with a particular application in the world of dairy farming but with scope to create sustainable energy solutions for  a huge number of  You will get to hear how  Martin and his team have overcome the challenges faced  as they work towards up scaling their technology  to full scale production You will also find out what Laing O’Rourke predict for the future of sustainable…
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Exeid Asset Management – St Nicholas Court Makes a Profit in the Commercial Property Market

Case Studies, Exeid News, Finance, Nottingham, serviced office space, St Nicholas' Court, the rapidly expanding Midlands Real Estate Asset Management Company, confound the pundits and defy market sentiment by posting capital gains of £540,000 in 9 months, on their latest property deal. David Ajose, CEO, said: “This is a fantastic result that represents a 37% uplift in asset value and over 100% return on cash invested. We aim to ‘Exeid’ our investor’s expectations - and on this occasion, that’s an understatement” [caption id="attachment_760" align="alignright" width="241" caption="Brian Wilson, Funding Private Equity Partnership"][/caption] Brian Wilson, of the Funding Private Equity Partnership, commented: “This was our first investment under the guidance of Exeid Asset Management and, I have to say, we have been delighted with the results. David and his team have applied their unique system to a traditional market and turned it on its…
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