George Osborne’s Mansion House Speech 2014 Full text

Economy, Finance
 Full text of George Osborne's Mansion House Speech 2014 Lord Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am honoured to be invited again to speak at this historic dinner, and follow in a long line of Chancellors who have done so. Lord Mayor, you and I were reminded of that long line on Tuesday, when you generously hosted a dinner at Guildhall to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the creation of the Board of the Treasury. And I might say, that it is entirely typical that when the Treasury decides to throw a party, we get someone else to pay for it. The Treasury Board was created in 1612 to bring discipline and control to the public finances. Related Articles At the time, the European economy was weak, the Kingdom of Spain…
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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the closure of Friar Gate Bridge. We investigated this historic landmark next to our office space…

Derby, Exeid News, Friar Gate, Office space, Uncategorized, Vintage Offices
There has been a significant amount of press coverage regarding the Friar Gate Bridge recently. Reports have suggested that it's intended for renovations and restorations, other articles state it’s likely to be left alone. What’s the big deal about this bridge? Why is it special? At one time, Friar Gate Station was the main rail station within Derby, and it served the commuting public between 1978 to 1964. The Friar Gate Bridge, which is seen easily from the Exeid 32 Friar Gate offices, is now the only reminders of the former station. The double, cast-iron bridge was made for the Great Northern Railway by Andrew Handyside around 1876. If you were to catch a train Eastbound from the Friar Gate station, you would travel through Darley Park, Breadsall, West Hallam and onto Nottingham via the…
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Janet Yellen appointed by Federal reserve as new head and Obama gives her the thumbs up.

Celebrity News, Economy, Finance
Barak Obama has just announced that Ben Bernake is stepping down as head of the FED and will be succeeded by Janet Yellen. Obama said that Janet Yellen has an “Understanding of the Feds dual mandate of increasing employment , creating jobs and a sound monetary policy” The President went on to explain that Janet Yellen “Served in leadership in the fed for more than a decade as vice-chair for the past three years and she has proved exemplary as the driving force for policies that have boosted the recovery. Janet is renowned for her good judgment. She sounded the alarm early about the housing bubble, about excesses in the financial sector and about the risks of a major recession. She doesn’t have a crystal ball but what she does…
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BoE – Future Guidance Mark Carney announces super low interest rates for the next three years

Business Advice, Economy, Finance
[caption id="attachment_2142" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mark Carney Bank of England Chief announces record low interest rates[/caption] Mark Carney the new Bank of England Chief breaks with tradition and announces that record low interest rates are to last another three years. Today Mark Carney the Bank of England Chief gave the clearest message yet that interest rates should remain a record low 0.5% for the foreseeable future and at least for the next three years. 'Forward Guidance' as this form of announcement is now described, is subject to the caveat that it will be reviewed should the be a rise in measured inflation above 2.7% or unemployment falls below 7% What does this mean for businesses and households across the country? Whilst this is may not seem good news for savers…
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David Cameron confirms Exeid’s Economic forcast

Celebrity News, Economy
It seems that David Cameron has been reading the Exeid Blog as he announced this week that Britain is back on track, declaring the end of the recession. (It would have been polite of him to reference us in his speech though!)  You may remember that we reported this   at the beginning of September and our report was quickly confirmed by Mervin King and Gerard Lyons.  We even cited the exact date and time   and no doubt future economic historians will refer to this.  Within days.the Independent newspaper followed and concurred and now this week the BBC and many other Media groups including the Daily Mail, Guardian and the Times have all finally jumped on the band wagon.    If you'd like t read the earlier report  then Click here to…
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Sir Mervyn King, Gerard Lyons & The Independent Newspaper agree with Exeid

20 Fletcher Gate News, Exeid News
In an interview with Channel 4 Yesterday,The Bank of England governor, Sir Mervyn King, says economic growth is on its way.  Mervyn kKing  was upbeat about the end of the recession, however, he  warned that  uncertainty still prevailed over the Eurozone In  the interview, Sir Mervyn said  that the next quarter would probably show a pick-up in activity.   Another leading economist Gerard Lyons of Standard Chartered was interviewed on the  BBC Today programme  this morning and his comments that  "we are now at the turning point”. echoed  the  sentiments expressed by Exeid in our  last posting about the end of the recession. Furthermore,  on Saturday  morning  the Independent newspaper led with the story "Is this the end of the recession?"  no phone hacking was necessary for their source  - just a…
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