How to use twitter for business. Tips and techniques

Business Advice, Exeid News
Exeid have decided to embrace Twitter and a few weeks ago we started Tweeting. We had previously set up an account a couple of years ago but we had no real idea how we should be using it. As a result it laid pretty much dormant until a couple of weeks ago. So if you want to know 'How to use Twitter for business' then read on. If you visit our site @exeid you’ll see what we’ve done so far. So what do we use it for? Well, to connect with clients or potential customers or even just people interested in what we were doing  (although in the process we seem to have attracted some pretty random followers too!).  It would also seem that many of you have not yet…
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How useful is Twitter as a marketing tool for small businesses – Exeid examines recent Twitter Research

 If the recent floatation (IPO) of Twitter on the New York Stock Exchange passed you by you may be forgiven for being unaware of just how powerful Twitter can be as part of your digital social media marketing programme. But you may be thinking,” I only run a small business, - Twitter is for the Big Boys with a national or global reach” right?   Well if you are you’d be wrong. Twitter recently hired Market Probe International to  carry out research to find out the value of  Twitter for SME’s ( small Medium Enterprises) or as they call them SMB’s ( Small Medium Businesses) From a survey of 500 they generated some interesting findings A) Both sales and referrals are driven by followers 72% were more likely to make a…
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