Up to 75 Mb Fibre Optic Broad band for FREE for each new office client in Derby.

Derby, Exeid News
[caption id="attachment_2154" align="alignleft" width="1162"] Superb modern offices at Sitwell House[/caption] Exeid brings the fastest Fibre broadband to the centre of Derby and its available NOW When Richard Priestley Managing Director of Exeid carried out his initial research in Derby he was startled to find out from the Derby business community that the broadband speeds in Pride Park were at best mediocre and at worst simply inadequate for most modern businesses. When a new client who was planning a move into the city centre said to Richard “I don’t care whether you use wireless microwave or a Phaser gun…. Just get me fast broad band!” Richard knew that the investment had been a wise decision. Richard went on to say “I’m delighted with this new technology and its fantastic to be…
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Extra! Extra! Exeid’s Sitwell House Hits the Headlines!

Celebrity News, Commercial Property, Derby, Exeid News, Office space, Property Purchase, serviced office space
It seem that the rest of the business world is recognising the potential that Exeid saw in Derby's Sitwell House building, as it comes to the attention of the local Print Media. Exeid’s new acquisition, Sitwell House Office in Derby, situated on Babington Lane, made the front page of the Business Weekly due to the significant effect it is likely to have on Derby’s local economy and job market. [caption id="attachment_1126" align="aligncenter" width="448"] Recihard Priestley, showcasing Exeid's newest Business Centre Sitwell House.[/caption]   As extensive renovation projects become completed in Derby City over the next five years, Babington Lane is set to become the very heart of Derby’s City Centre, connecting the new Westfield Shopping Centre and the more traditional retail areas. Footfall will increase, retail space occupancy will rise…
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