How useful is Twitter as a marketing tool for small businesses – Exeid examines recent Twitter Research

 If the recent floatation (IPO) of Twitter on the New York Stock Exchange passed you by you may be forgiven for being unaware of just how powerful Twitter can be as part of your digital social media marketing programme. But you may be thinking,” I only run a small business, - Twitter is for the Big Boys with a national or global reach” right?   Well if you are you’d be wrong. Twitter recently hired Market Probe International to  carry out research to find out the value of  Twitter for SME’s ( small Medium Enterprises) or as they call them SMB’s ( Small Medium Businesses) From a survey of 500 they generated some interesting findings A) Both sales and referrals are driven by followers 72% were more likely to make a…
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Business Lunch With Adam Loveday of Reactiv Media, the Specialist Direct Marketing Consultancy

20 Fletcher Gate News, Celebrity News, Exeid News, Nottingham, Office space
I met up with Adam Loveday Regional Manager for Reactiv Media one of the UK’s leading consumer and business data providers  for lunch in the Walk Café Bridlesmith Gate Nottingham to find out how he started in business and where he  is now and what the future holds for his business.     So Adam, what is your background? I started my career in retail Sales working for Sainsbury’s  as a retail manager. I then moved into the field of Direct Marketing with Alternative Direct Marketing and eventually  after a couple of moves to Reactiv Media. Reactiv Media?  What does your business do? - We help businesses find new clients & retain and re-contact existing customers and clients using multichannel marketing methods. So why would a business engage with you? …
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