Exeid Welcome TecInteractive – Leading Interactive Technology Specialists.

Case Studies, Client Profile, Derby, Exeid News
Exeid met with Interactive Whiteboard Technology experts TecInteractive to discuss cutting edge advancements in how people in business can interact with each other – and their clients. Tom Bamford, Director of TecInteractive, introduces a new tool that is revolutionising  business communication. [caption id="attachment_938" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Director Tom Bamford"][/caption]   Who are TecInteractive, what is the nature of your business and product? TecInteractive are a growing,Derbybased technology company specialising in Interactive Whiteboard technology. Our business is focused on the supply of this cutting edge technology to those who are looking to develop their communication experiences to connect with clients on a greater level. Tell us about your journey into the interactive technology industry. Our Business is just over 6 years old and the two Directors formed a partnership while working for…
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