David Cameron confirms Exeid’s Economic forcast

Celebrity News, Economy
It seems that David Cameron has been reading the Exeid Blog as he announced this week that Britain is back on track, declaring the end of the recession. (It would have been polite of him to reference us in his speech though!)  You may remember that we reported this   at the beginning of September and our report was quickly confirmed by Mervin King and Gerard Lyons.  We even cited the exact date and time   and no doubt future economic historians will refer to this.  Within days.the Independent newspaper followed and concurred and now this week the BBC and many other Media groups including the Daily Mail, Guardian and the Times have all finally jumped on the band wagon.    If you'd like t read the earlier report  then Click here to…
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The Recession has ended – Its official.

Commercial Property, Economy, Nottingham
  One minute past eleven o’clock on Monday the third of September 2012 marked the official end of the recession and the beginning of “Boom Times” once more. We interviewed the Chief Economist at Exeid to find out exactly how he made this amazing discovery.    How did you make this amazing discovery?   I can only describe it as an Epiphany.  I was listening to a discussion on the BBC and QE or quantitative easing was mentioned yet again.  I remembered playing Monopoly as a child and how the game usually started when we all decided to have fun and it ended when most of the players had remortgaged or sold properties and lost their money. There would be winners and losers in the game, but funnily enough,  the…
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