Funding break through for small and medium sized businesses – finance for your business.

We have finally cracked the thorny problem of financing and funding for all of the above. So if you have previously put a project on ice there’s never been a better time to thaw it out.  With the recovery on the way there is a window of opportunity to achieve best value before contractors get busy and prices rapidly escalate............. So..........What can be financed? Office Refurbishment funding Shop Fittings funding Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Furniture Security Systems Signage Lighting Joinery And many other items . The list above is not exhaustive so call Yasmin on 0115 8241444 for more details. (Alternatively click here to  email your info to us and we’ll get back to you)
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Financial Grant Assistance for Nottinghamshire Businesses and Organisations

Economy, Grants for Business, Nottingham
The Jobs Fund is a £1.5million scheme that has been introduced by Nottingham City Council to help jobseekers back in to work – but how does this benefit your business? We asked Rachel Graham is the  Project Manager working along side  Nottingham City Council to help promote the scheme and we asked her  how the scheme works. Rachel said “We've been asked to help introduce the Nottingham Job fund to private sector companies, encouraging them to create new roles for unemployed people from Nottingham by providing a financial incentive. For each new role that is filled through the Nottingham Jobs Fund, the scheme contributes 50% of the yearly salary and in certain circumstances up to 75%!  There are limits on the total amounts paid based on a formula  and number of hours worked, but…
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How to improve your chances of raising finance from your bank – networking seminar

Exeid News, Networking Event, Nottingham
  Hi everyone, From time to time will be bringing you information regarding excellent and usually Free, networking events that could benefit you and your organisation.  This forthcoming breakfast semina  is part of the Nottingham University  superb  ingenuity knowledge exchange. and the presentation explains how to improve your chances of raising loan finance for your business. Please read on The details for our next Ingenuity breakfast event have now been confirmed.  We hope this very current topic is relevant to you and your business and hopefully we’ll see you on the 1st June. Just how difficult is it to get finance from your bank?  And how do you improve your chances?   Banks are under pressure from government to lend to business – and they are making all the right noises…
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