Drug and alcohol assistance. An interview with Exeid’s client, Double Impact.

Case Studies, Celebrity News, Client Profile, Exeid News, Nottingham, Uncategorized
[caption id="attachment_2053" align="alignleft" width="300"] Double Impacts' Richard & Graham with Mitch Winehouse[/caption] Nottingham based Double Impact is a registered charity and not for profit organisation. Established in 1998 and working with the local community, Double Impact provides the tools necessary to combat drug and alcohol related problems.         Exeid met up with Double Impacts’ Richard Atkinson prior to their recent fundraiser event with special guest, Mitch Winehouse. With the event successfully completed, we thought it was time to rekindle the conversation. This time we met Eleanor Youdell who is another key member of the team, to get a deeper insight as to how things went and what is next to come. Thank you for meeting with us Eleanor. Tell me a little about the build up and…
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The road to Nottingham’s alcohol and drug recovery- with Double Impact!

Blog, Case Studies, Client Profile, Commercial Property, Exeid News, Nottingham, Uncategorized
[caption id="attachment_2039" align="alignleft" width="179"] Double Impact[/caption] Exeid commercial property are delighted to welcome our new clients, Double Impact, in to Stanford House based in Nottingham's city centre. Double Impact has been serving the local community for over 15 years. The organisation is flourishing through giving people with drug and alcohol problems the chance and tools necessary to change their lives for the better. Founded in Nottingham’s YMCA building by a past user, Double Impact steps in to help break the cycle of addiction by providing a range of services, including: One-to-one support Group sessions and courses to build self-esteem Housing support Specialist debt advice Volunteering experience and advice for family members [caption id="attachment_2040" align="alignleft" width="580"] Double Impact[/caption]                     With the impact…
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