What is a riot?

Exeid News
What is a riot? According to law, a riot is where 12 or more persons who are present together use or threaten unlawful violence for a common purpose and the conduct of them (taken together) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his or her personal safety, each of the persons using unlawful violence for the common purpose is guilty of riot. Only persons who do anything are guilty of riot, so you could prosecute just 1 person as long as you can prove another 11 were threatening but didn’t physically do anything. They would then still be guilty of other public order offences. A person guilty of riot is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term…
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The Riot Damages Act 1886 – find out how you are already protected against damages by riot.

Commercial Property, Landlords, Nottingham
Riot and affray are nothing new to our society and we’ve talked previously about how, as landlords and tenants,  you should be  checking your insurance to establish that you are adequately covered in the event that your shop or business is affected by riot.  Like many of our  readers, the team at Exeid.com were unaware that there is a statutory protection that can compensate you in the event that your business is affected by riot and our research has uncovered an interesting statute.  It is known as the Riot Damages Act of 1886. If you have been the subject of damages as a result of a riot or riotous assembly then provided that you make a claim within 14 days you will be entitled to compensation from the State. The…
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