Google Plus (g+). What’s it all about and what does it mean for my business.

Exeid News
I was chatting to Nick Pigott &  Joze Henderson (Our Leicester Area Management team) on Thursday and Nick mentioned ‘Google Plus’ (G+) and asked me if I was up to speed with the latest developments. Now I don’t know about you, but I like to think that I keep pace with many of the new developments on the web even if I’m not always the earliest of adopters. However, this one had completely passed me by. Amazing when you think that I’m a daily user of the Google search tool. So for those of you who are already familiar with Google + or Google Plus feel free to skip this post but be sure to revisit as I m certain Facebook will have something to say in reply. Every one else ……
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Joze Henderson Joins the Exeid Family

Exeid News, Landlords, Leicester
Joze Henderson Joins the Exeid Family This month we’d like to take the opportunity to introduce two new members of the Exeid team. Joze Henderson  and Nick Pigott you can read about Joze below and  about  Nick Pigott in a few days time Joze’ Henderson is an award winning, mulit-talented professional with a breadth of experience in sales, marketing, management and finance. Developed successful businesses in training and built a successful franchise. Joze Recently joined the Exeid  Group to expand their Leicestershire operation.  And we decided to let Joze tell you about herself in her own words “I kind of think I’ve been hiding my light under a bushel all these years. I’ve sold and delivered training packages, sold promotional top end gifts and design and print . I love…
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