Funding break through for small and medium sized businesses – finance for your business.

We have finally cracked the thorny problem of financing and funding for all of the above. So if you have previously put a project on ice there’s never been a better time to thaw it out.  With the recovery on the way there is a window of opportunity to achieve best value before contractors get busy and prices rapidly escalate............. So..........What can be financed? Office Refurbishment funding Shop Fittings funding Vehicles IT Hardware & Software Furniture Security Systems Signage Lighting Joinery And many other items . The list above is not exhaustive so call Yasmin on 0115 8241444 for more details. (Alternatively click here to  email your info to us and we’ll get back to you)
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Enterprise Finance Guarantee – How you can benfit from unsecured finance for your business

A recent announcement has confirmed that the government intends to extend the Enterprise Guarantee Scheme until 2015. This will be a major boost for companies with viable businesses that are also facing funding challenges via traditional routes. The original aim of the scheme was to encourage the banks to boost lending to the SME sector. The Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme (EFG) would act as guarantor for up to 75% of the loan. Companies with up to £25 million in turnover are eligible to apply for anything between £1,000 and £1 million under the EFG in order to support new loans, existing loans or convert an existing overdraft into a loan that is repayable over a period of up to 10 years. If you think your business may benefit from additional…
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