How to Start a Business In a Recession – There’s No Better Time!

Commercial Property, Exeid News, Finance
We’ve all heard it, on the news and from the banks and businesses, that the economic downturn has made it near impossible for SMEs to thrive – but what about those who have successfully started a business in a recession? Are those who buck the trend merely lucky, or has the media over stated the difficulty in establishing a business in a recession? Exeid have put together some tips for those wanting to start a business in a tricky economic climate - we believe that if you’ve got passion, drive and have identified your niche, there are definite advantages to starting your business when the going seems tough. The tips below are designed to give you an honest overview of things to think about when starting up a business in…
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Social Media Networking – How to Showcase your Credibility, Online.

Exeid News, Networking Event
LinkedIn tips for business The explosion of Social Media and its potential for business marketing and networking is undeniable. With companies quickly realising that social media can be a cost-effective way to boost brand awareness and generate organic leads, trying your hand at social media networking seems like a logical step. However easy and cheap it may seem, traditional ‘hard sell’ marketing tactics often fall on deaf ears when applied through social media channels, sometimes having the opposite effect on what you’re trying to achieve. Here are some tips to ensure that you are utilising business networking site LinkedIn effectively, to showcase your company’s credibility and build valuable relationships: Complete your profile to 100% - show people you're serious about social media networking by adding as much information as possible…
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