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Open Invitation to the Rtec Launch Event Friday 27th June.

Home / Grants for Business / Open Invitation to the Rtec Launch Event Friday 27th June.
Rtec Launch Event Exeid Rushcliffe Borought Council JV
Rtec Launch Event Exeid Rushcliffe Borough Council JV
Its going to be a great event with superb networking opportunities so bring your business cards. Please email rtec@exeid.com to confirm your place at the event or for the seminar sessions Seminar Sessions Francine Pickering4:00 – Francine Pickering, Clarity Marketing – Measurable Marketing, how to make sure you never waste money on marketing again 4:30 – Manjit Rana, Ingenin –Manjit Rana Internet Kit TechCityNotts Can innovative Tech make traditional industries like insurance ‘interesting’?   5:00 – Amir Bazrafshan, Apricot Marketing – 5 key things everyone should know Amir Bazrafshanabout Video Marketing   MAIN EVENT Networking from 4:00 onwards Ken Clarke 5:00 – Ken Clarke QC MP arrival 5.25 – Richard Priestley MD Exeid -Opening address 5:30 – Ken Clarke QC MP opening Speech followed by promo film from Paul Jackson at 9Zen Films 5:45 – 6:30 – Informal Networking and Refreshments and Canapés antony byrne6:30 – Anthony Byrne, Invest in Nottingham – Support for Business   stuart ross6:45 – Stuart Ross, High Growth Business – Business Success   Richard_Exeid_Web8:00 – Closing Speech Richard Priestley

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