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Expect the unexpected – London’s Burning – Riots & Looting?

Home / Exeid News / Expect the unexpected – London’s Burning – Riots & Looting?
The recent riots throughout London and now further afield have raised many questions that affect us all. For owners of businesses and  business premises,  these questions now include  how to prepare  for the potential disorder that appears to be spreading throughout our urban centres. I am certain that many conversations are focused around how this disorder could  happen on such a scale and without any apparent warning but the more important question is why?  The “middle class” riots following the cuts in student tuition fees and now the “urban poor” riots  and low morale in the Police Force due to impending cuts are merely symptoms of a wider malaise in which Nero fiddles whilst Rome Burns. However, think about who may have somthing to gain  from this situation  and what the cause/effect  result might be and you’ll probably find yourreal  answer. I’d love to write a full post on these issues but better and more extensive coverage can  be found here from a variety of observers with differnt points of view Olly Huson https://ollyhuson.wordpress.com/ Russia today http://rt.com/news/london-night-riots-chaos/ CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/08/09/uk.riots/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 David Icke  http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/51830-100-arrests-as-london-riots-continue-for-second-night BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14450248 Penny Red http://pennyred.blogspot.com/2011/08/panic-on-streets-of-london.html Just a final point to all those in business –  if you rent or own  a business premises, check that your insurance covers you for riot and disorder & terrorism as it is now time to expect the unexpected. On a slightly more optomistic note, autumn &  winter is always followed by spring  so now’s the time start preparing to plant those bulbs. Photos taken by Tom Warren 08/08/11 tomwarren1@hotmail.co.uk

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